Auto Insurance
In case you’re involved in an accident, auto insurance provides financial protection for you and your family. It pays for the damage and injuries caused by the accident and for repairing or replacing your vehicle if it is damaged or stolen.
Collision coverage pays for damage to your vehicle that results from a collision with another vehicle or object. Generally, the coverage reimburses you the amount needed to repair or replace your damaged vehicle, minus the deductible. This coverage is normally required if your vehicle is leased or if you have an outstanding loan on the vehicle.
Personal Injury Protection
Personal Injury Protection or (PIP), pays a broader range of medical costs than does medical payments coverage. PIP covers lost wages and the replacement of the services of someone injured in an accident. Personal Injury coverage is generally required in states with no fault and available in some other states.
Bodily Injury: Bodily injury coverage pays for any person(s) injured or killed in an accident where you are at fault. Coverage includes medical expenses and lost wages. Coverage is subject to the limits and conditions of your policy. Most states require drivers to carry bodily injury coverage.
Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist
Uninsured motorist coverage protects you, members of your household and your passengers in an accident with a motorist who has no insurance or is underinsured. Uninsured motorist protection also covers you if you’re injured by a hit-and-run driver. The coverage also applies to you and the members of your household as pedestrians. Coverage includes payment of medical costs, lost wages and pain and suffering. It is required in many states. In some states or insurance policies, underinsured motorist protection is separate from uninsured motorist coverage.
Property Damage
In a collision where you are at fault, property damage covers your liability for damaging another person’s personal property, such as an automobile, house, or fence.
Working with the Louie Agency has been the greatest experience! Knowledgeable, hardworking, caring group of people. I would recommend them to anyone!
Madison Stone - Coeur d' Alene